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May 2016 - Weespaces

5 tips to create a gender neutral nursery!

Created by Vinithra Amarnathan on May 20, 2016

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Having a baby is one of the most exhilarating life events! Creating a warm, happy and functional nursery for your baby is a first step towards making space for him/ her in your home! The traditional approach of a pink nursery for a girl and a blue nursery for a boy is long gone. There are a plethora of colors, ideas and themes that parents and decorators are using in their designs!

And if you are like me and believe that a baby’s gender is one of the worlds most beautiful and real surprises, then this post is for you!

  1. Get Inspired

To be creative and truly unique design needs to be inspired. Find what inspires you and use that as a take off point! You don’t need to look far….just pick an article, color, book, pattern, place, really anything you love.

A few days before I found out we were expecting, I found this pillow cover in a store in Pondicherry. I had no idea where I would use it, but I bought it all the same and that, alongwith a beautiful Valentina Ramos painting I fell in love with, became the jumping off points for my baby’s nursery!

Here’s a look at my inspiration and the final space!


  1. Know your space

Having a baby is a great experience, but also an overwhelming one! Its important to know your expectations of the space and understand how you will be using it. Will you co-sleep and use the nursery as a playroom, will it to be a self-contained space for your baby, will it be shared with anyone, will it double up as a guest room or office space when needed etc.

This understanding will help you create a functional and beautiful space specific to your needs!



  1. Where to save and where to splurge

A new baby means a lot of new purchases and one of the things I find invaluable is for parents to know where to save and where to splurge! While a lot of this depends on your individual lifestyle and preferences, splurge on items that can be reused like a good crib that will transition to other babies in the family, a dresser with good bones that can move to another room in the house, an open shelving unit that can transform into a bookshelf in the family room etc. Splurge on quality preferably organic cotton bedding for newborn skin, a soft rug to create a safe play area and a good rocker for all those feeding sessions!

Save on small toys and books, which you can pick at a resale/seconds store, pillows and wall art that can even be DIY, lighting and storage. And don’t forget the hand me downs!


  1. Think beyond yellow

When you are creating a gender-neutral space, color can be your best friend! Some of my favorite combos are;

  • Navy, yellow and gray
  • Indigo, white and coral
  • Aqua, red and orange
  • Pastel green, purple and gold
  • Mint, chocolate and orange

Find colors that you love and are in the rest of your home. But also allow yourself to experiment!


  1. Build character

To make a space truly unique, I believe it needs to tell a story! So don’t forget to bring in soul to your baby’s nursery.

Whether its through a vintage piece of furniture, your once worn baby outfit, a handmade quilt from a near and dear one or a DIY piece of art, there are many ways to bring in personality and character to a space. These things may not match, may not be the color scheme you are going for and may stand out but for all the right reasons!


Good luck creating your baby’s first little space and I hope these tips have been helpful! A mama’s nesting instinct is the best creative tool you need J